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Começar > Procedimentos > Cirurgia Geral > Sala HÍBRIDA > PST 300 > COMPONENTES/ACESSÓRIOS
PST 300 Surgical Table
Pad Table Top PST 300S
Upper back section H V
Pad for upper back section H B
Cable Remote control
Head section double joint H V
Pad head section H B
Leg section two parts spreadable H V
Pad leg section two parts H B
Arm support with trigger
Pad arm support with trigger
Acolchado Tablero PST 300L
Cable Remote control
Head section double joint H V
Pad head section H B
Leg section two parts spreadable H V
Pad leg section two parts H B
Arm support with trigger
Pad arm support with trigger
Arm holder 450 for lateral position
Clamp radial setting
Lateral support 215
Lateral support 170
Lateral support 85
Body strap rotable
Leg restraint single
Universal and hand cuff
Pad cuff
Foot support two parts
Infusion pole with 4 hooks
Shoulder support height adjustable
Unilateral hook trolley
Sterilization wire mesh basket 1/2
Sterilization wire mesh basket 1/1
Component Wall mount
Transport cart for hook components
Remote control wireless
Charging unit mobile AC TS7500
Universal section H V
Pad universal section H B
Anesthesia screen extendable
Clamp radial setting
Para mais informações, consulte seu especialista. As restrições de configuração são aplicadas de acordo com os registros de cada país